There are many models, tips, tricks etc. when it comes to preparing for a training session. I like to remember the following model when it comes to creating your trainers guide or mind-map for your session.
Too many trainers or presenters get caught up making the perfect presentation. They get lost in formatting, grammar, spelling or showing their creativity and PPT skills with animation or media. That's only one part, a small part of the overall picture.
R Relate
O Overview
P Presentation
E Exercise
S Summarize
Relate - What are you trying to get across? What is your objective for the session? Why might your participants be attending? What do they want to get out of the session? How might you gauge their attitudes, interest levels, previous knowledge / experience? How will you get across to them?
Overview - Map these all out. Create a session outline. Spider-a-gram / mindmap the session. Time. Duration. Topic. Content. Learning Objectives. Check Ins. Sense Checks. Supporting Docs.
Presentation - Clean. Clear. Precise. Animation for affect. Media for your different learnings. Less is more. Does all your content need to be on the slide - no. Use the slide notes. Supplementary media / handouts / activities / stories.
Exercise - Back to Basics. VAK. 70% learn by doing. Cement your content with learning exercises which build to the foundations from your slides.
TIP - Don't get exercises mixed up with ice-breakers or games. Your exercises should create that A-HA moment when it all comes together for your trainees.
Summarize - "Tell them what you're going to tell them, Tell them, Tell them what you have just told them - ANON "
Be creative here. What do you want them to leave knowing / with? How will you do this?
Take away? Jerry Springer Final Thought? Use of Social Media? Catch All?
Just a few tips to help you set down the basic blocks for creating your training session. I hope you found them useful. Sometimes the simplest things are the most effective.